Saturday, April 16, 2011

Litform Finals.

Play Review :

I love how the INTROTA adapted the movie “NY in Tondo,” and as how I see it, I think they made it even better and funnier! Especially on the scene of Kyle (Played by Tres Gorrez) wherein he cross-dressed and a female attitude throughout the whole show. The only sad thing about the show is, there were funnier scenes that were not played. Though, I’d love to see again them play the movie, this time it’ll be complete! Come on, who would not love to see this, a very old comedy tagalog movie, and the cast are your buddies. What a complete combo.

Seeing “The Fabulous Adventure of Amelie Poulain” was a little bit hard-to-get on the first few minutes. Making my own conclusion, I’d see this film as one of French’s All-Time Famous movie. Concluding my own plot, I think Amelie is a naïve Paris girl, seeking and doing her own way of justice, who’s decided to spend his life to help those who are around her and along the way, she felt inlove. This movie clearly explained what a “Romantic Comedy” movie is to me.

Comedy :

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tragedy on Prezi

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Personal Core Values

Regardless of whether or not we recognize them, personal core values are among the most important factors in how we live our lives.

Funny how the story ended up talking about values, wherein since High School, i was so decisive to have this various values until my goal. so, as for me, to be successful, i have 5 personal core values, that I had always thought of since High school years, to start it off, my first core value is Positive Attitude, always on the good mood or lightening up the mood even though the scenario is somewhat gloomy. second core value is Loyalty, being loyal to someone, or something always gives benefits in return. third value is Honesty, like Loyalty, telling the truth and nothing but the truth, always prevail. fourth core value is Respect, now, do I need to explain why? everybody need this kind of value. and the last value i have is Commitment, somewhat like a promise, but only to oneself, to practice what to go first, and what to focus on.

As for my values, I didn't compromise any of them, because as for me. my values are always on the top, the main focus, somewhat like my motivation for a successful future, because having this kind of values doesn't always give you negative traits, but gives you good conduct and moral upright.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The "Said" and the "Unsaid"

"Napakang simperasyon lang to, Jig." Sabi ng lalake. "ni, hindi nga talaga sya operasyon eh."
tumingin pababa yung babae.
"Alam ko ok lang sayo to, Jig. Hindi sya kung ano ano, para bang papasok lang ung hangin."
Walang sinabi ung babae.
"Sasamahan kita at babantayan. para nga lang papasok ung hangin at lahat ay ayos na."
"tapos anung gagawin natin?"
"Magiging ok na tayo, tulad nung dati."
"Pano mo nasabi yan?"
"Yan lang naman ang problema natin. yan lang ang nag tatanggal ng kasihayan natin."
tumingin ung babae sa 'bead curtain' inilapit ang kanyang kamay at kumuwa ng dalawang string ng bead.
"pagkatapos nyan, tayo'y magiging ayos at masaya."
"Alam ko. hindi mo kailangan matakot. marami akong kakilala na nagawa na to."
"Ako rin." sabi ng babae. "pagkatapos nga non, lahat sila naging masaya."
"Well." sabi ng lalake. "pag ayaw mo, ayos lang. hindi naman kita pinipilit, pero alam mo. simple lang to."
"At gustong gusto mo?"
"Sa pagkakaalam ko eto ang pinaka maayos. Pero hindi kita pinipilit."
"Pag ginawa ko to, magiging masaya kaba at mamahalin moko?"
"mahal kita. alam mong mahal kita."
"Alam ko. pero pag gianwa ko, Edi ayos lang sabihin ko ulit na ang mga bagay ay parang puting elepante, at gugustuhin mo?"
"Mamahalin ko. mahal ko ngayon pero hindi ko lang maisip. alam mo naman pag nag aalala ako."
"pag ginawa ko, hindi kana mag aalala?"
"Hindi ako nag aalala kasi napaka simple lang nyan."
"Edi gagawin ko na, kasi wala naman ako paki sa sarili ko."
"Anong ibig mong sabihin?" "wala naman ako paki sa sarili ko?"
"Well, may paki ako sayo."
"Ah, oo. pero wala ako paki sa sarili ko. at gagawin ko para lahat ay okay na."
"Wag mo nalang gawin kung ganyan ka."

-> Clearly the guy want's to have sex with the girl, but the girl's unsure about doing it.
Translated: Hills like white Elephants.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Modern Mythology.

How i understand this Archetypes or Mythological Symbols, on the first time i hear it, plus hearing its definition, Archetypes are somewhat like an ideal that is copied, common example is Light & Darkness = Human & Dead, or something like that. Based on my research, there are alot of Archetypes in modern mythology.

From the link, the first type of Archetype is Hacker/Slicer, reading it, i thought it was some kind of killer, but no. it says that Hacker/Slicer is something that a heroine of a movie or a play, but his doing are somewhat doings of a villain, a very common example is R2D2 of Star Wars, a hacker hero. and it also defined that it is Slicer because as Webster define that there are SciFi readers out there are self-proclaimed 'computer nerds,' there is a call for such super-knowledgeable slicers.

Another type of Archetype is Savior/Messiah Archetype. Yes, like you, first thing came to my mind is God. But no, and again, this are the hero of a play or movie who's destined to save the earth/universe. seriously, funny names with even funnier meaning. it's like the protagonist is presented with a big task that if he didn't do it, the whole world will perish. though, who would do that on a movie, let the protagonist lost? i didn't see any yet, so yeah.

More types of Archetype will be found on the link i gave presented.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Singin' Fever.

I wonder why are people, even Filipino's are addicted to this musical series, the "Glee." like, hello. we had those type of musical series before, and in fact it was originally Filipino made, example of this are iDOL(Sarah Geronimo, Sam Milby, Coco Martin), and Diva(Regine Velasquez), Philippine made musical series that aren't even supported by Filipinos(As how i see it, probably why it ended up so fast)

I'm not saying I'm a Glee Hater, no. what I'm trying to point out here is, yes it is a nice shows and music. But hey, what's with the characters and the plot, I don't even know what are the producers trying to show the audience here, giving example are. Gay couple (Kurt and Blaine), High school to-be-parents (Quinn being pregnant) pre-marital sex (Madonna Episode), and probably bring celebrity/musicians into a downgrade, one good example of it is, 1 song becoming popular because of the Glee version of it, instead of the real singer of the said song, that's why there are haters on the series, that won't let glee sing their songs, example musicians are Coldplay (Band), Bryan Adam, and Miley Cyrus. here's the link to Miley's hate-blog -->

But then again, +1 point to the Glee for having no racism on their show, wherein most series do have, like Lost, Grey's Anatomy and such, an all black/white or asian show... they even let some asians and black and a Filipina welcome into the show, with a very funny role on the series. So, again, this is not a hate-entry, this is what only the author's feeling/mini-review towards the sensation TV series.

Opposites Attacts.

Being absent for 1 lecture was a big lose for me, I don't have any idea of what structuralism is all about, and how will i link it to my Blogs. But that won't stop me, so, here's a little something that i tried to make things up on how i understand the Structuralism that will link with my Blog.

As my topic header mentioned, my blog mainly focuses on what everyone is into, the modern era living, gadgets and such that keeps everyone un-idle. of course, with these inventions and likings do have some negative effects to mankind. one of the major negative with this is forgetting about your work/assignment because of being busy with it.

As i REaD the definition of Structuralism on Wiki (< >) and like the sample pictures above, i see it somehow like a face-off between good and evil, of course, my blog which mainly focuses of how are these kind of items are so into this day and its effect, shows morely of positive, wonder why? who would post such interesting topic that will only contaion more of negative ideas than more of the positive side. i doubt anyone would, unless you're a Brick Game holder, and nowadays there's this PSP. then i can understand that you'd still prefer old-school gaming than the more techno-wise.