Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Modern Mythology.

How i understand this Archetypes or Mythological Symbols, on the first time i hear it, plus hearing its definition, Archetypes are somewhat like an ideal that is copied, common example is Light & Darkness = Human & Dead, or something like that. Based on my research, there are alot of Archetypes in modern mythology.


From the link, the first type of Archetype is Hacker/Slicer, reading it, i thought it was some kind of killer, but no. it says that Hacker/Slicer is something that a heroine of a movie or a play, but his doing are somewhat doings of a villain, a very common example is R2D2 of Star Wars, a hacker hero. and it also defined that it is Slicer because as Webster define that there are SciFi readers out there are self-proclaimed 'computer nerds,' there is a call for such super-knowledgeable slicers.

Another type of Archetype is Savior/Messiah Archetype. Yes, like you, first thing came to my mind is God. But no, and again, this are the hero of a play or movie who's destined to save the earth/universe. seriously, funny names with even funnier meaning. it's like the protagonist is presented with a big task that if he didn't do it, the whole world will perish. though, who would do that on a movie, let the protagonist lost? i didn't see any yet, so yeah.

More types of Archetype will be found on the link i gave presented.

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