Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An experience.

A blog of me, with some enchanted thoughts.

When i was a graduating elementary student, I was so infavor of fairy tale and myth-like stories and movies, one movie that made my mind so open was Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth, a goth like fairy tale movie, and Gabor Csupo's Bridge to Terabithia, a fairy tale movie about 2 preteens owning their own magical kingdom.

So anyway, here's the funny part.
Back last March 2006(Yes it is still memorable for me, because it was hella funny.) After watching those two films that made me so overjoyed, I was thinking like "I know! That can happen in reality." So, A day before finals. I was trying to study so hard so i can step up to High school easily. I was so stressed out with assignments, studies, and projects. And I was holding a T-square unknowingly and goof around like I am a king, of the kingdom called Koko's Supernatural Palace(Oh yeaah!) So, instead of studying, i pulled out a cartolina out of the *School Materials* closet, drew a crown, cut it out, and wear it! Hahah! with my Armies(Some Gundam action figures i collect since grade 3, Just a quick trivia)versus 1 Zoid Robot(Ahah! Yes, even those i collect them, until now) Set on a way-future year. I was setting up the story, and it went like. 1 normal day for the citizens of koko's palace, where suddenly a huge Dinosaur-embedded robot fired a missile on my palace's steel gate. Then, I standed on my bed, and shouted alone "Elite's! prepare for battle!" ..

oops~ Someone knocked on my door, It was my mother! i hid the toys and the crown under the blanket, and acted like i'm studying. She asked me, "Are you playing?! Don't you dare play nor open that computer, You know you have exams tomorrow!", "No, it wasn't me mom, maybe it was kevin(my brother) who's playing.", "Ahh very well."

Mwahaha! My mom's gone, back to the war. And so, i said the phrase again, though whispering it to myself so that my mom won't knock again :p, *Too shy to tell the rest of the story* After playing with my toys, my story ended like, my Armies were defeated, and the robot is standing-still. *acting again on my own* I tried to reach for my gun wherein it is really a hanger for clothes. :\. And acted like i was trying to fire the robot down, with some normal bullets. "Oh god! It didn't work, Let's go, Proton Cannon(From Ironman)" Ohh hey, The proton cannon i mentioned was the T-square. Hahaha! And again, Loudly shouted, "Die, you filthy robot! *Swooooooooosh~ Kaboom!*" Try to understand the sound effect. The Robot was destroyed, My kingdom was saved. Woooh :p *Then a commercial came up from TV, clapping* I laughed so hard of what I am doing, and didn't know I was playing around for 2 hours, Imagine 2 hours of fiction and fantasy. What am i thinking? hahaha!

- A Fairy tale experience for ENGBAS Homework.

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