Wednesday, June 16, 2010

From Hobby to Passion.

I've been thinking about this for quite sometime now. How addictive am I really? Well I don't have many friends, I spend most of my day thinking about gaming. Wow, I really am antisocial! It won't be fair to blame this on my Computer Games however since I've been a gamer long before console was ever released. I'm trying to remember the first game I ever played. If I recall correctly it was a lost boy named tomba, the last time i played that game is when I was like seven years old.

I've always had passion for gaming, It's my hobby, my escape from reality. The reason for me creating this blog is purely due to my passion for games. Yeah sure, my English is not the best but I try to at least make it readable (and hopefully entertaining). Every time i complete a post, I feel that sense of satisfaction since I truly believe I've just contributed something to my source of entertainment. I sincerely apologize if I'm a little deep here.

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