Monday, January 31, 2011

"The Story of an Hour" - Kate Chopin.

Just like the previous short story, in a way, it is funny at the same time boring.
Having the same reason with the previous entry, the story again confuses me. like why the hell did the main character of the story died and ending the short story with "a joy that kills?" Is that somewhat new phrase/meme? I think not. Anyway, let us all sum it up.

The story of an hour revolves around Mrs. Mallard (without getting into so detailed summary) had a disease to her heart, or simply a heart attack. while having that kind of disease, she found out that Mr. Mallard is death due to this train accident. Thus leaving Mrs. Mallard broken hearted, gloomy and at the same time, somewhat happy, Knowing that she's free from her loved--sometimes, often not husband, but yeah, the gloomy part still reigns over the happy, with that kind of situation she has, I'm kind of thinking that she was ready to die due to her husbands death. then a knock on the door that catches her attention that it was Mr. Mallard who opened the door and entered with his umbrella, having no idea that there was an accident and confuse of why is her wife crying. because of Mr. Mallards return, Mrs. Mallard was happy that he's not in trouble thus leaving her breathless and died.

-- See the ending? it was completely &!@%^#. who the hell will die of joy? does she uses drugs that's why? or her life was on a countdown, which is impossible because it wasn't mention in the story, but hey, i find this story another piece of crap due to that Mrs. Mallard (protagonist) died because she saw her husband? overjoy kills? is that even real? this story disappoints me a lot, worse than W.C. William's story.

-- As her sister Josephine addressing her Louise, probably because Josephine is the older sister of Mr. Mallard, thus leaving her to call her little sister by the first name.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Definition ( Theme )

What theme is not:

It is not the "moral" of the story.

A moral is a piece of practical advice that can be gained from the novel to apply to our own lives.

A theme is more complex than a moral and may have no direct advice or philosophical value that the reader can apply

It is not the subject of the story.

It is not a "hidden meaning" that needs to be pulled out of the story.

What theme is:

Theme is the meaning released by the work when we take all aspects of the work in its entirety into account.

It is an aspect of human experience that the author wishes to express.

Discovering theme: Theme can be discovered only by becoming aware of the relations among the parts of a story and of the relations of the parts to a whole:

Characters: What kind of people does the story deal with?

Plot: What do the characters do? Are they in control of their lives, or are they controlled by fate?

Motivation: Why do the characters behave as they do, and what motives dominate them?

Style: How does the author perceive reality?

Tone: What is the author's attitude towards his subject?

Values: What are the values of the characters in the story? What values does the author seem to promote?
The importance of theme in literature can be overestimated; the work of fiction is more than just the theme. However, the theme allows the author to control or give order to his perceptions about life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Confusing plot.

W.C. William's short novel "The Use Of Force." was a very confusing story, not just for me, but for everyone who have read the story, as how i see it on the first glance, the title seems very promising, but as how i browsed the story, my point of view changed.

Seeing the first sentence of the story, it revolves around a doctor, thus imagining something like a god-hand/miracle maker doctor, or something like that. as it reaches the climax about this one patient that has this sickness that she doesn't let her parents know that made them conclude its a severe sickness, made me LOL so hard that the sickness the patient has is soar throat.

after seeing that amusing start-off, and seeing the shitty *sorry for the word* ending, i wonder why did William even bother make this short story, does he want to piss his readers off? or just to make some jokes out of his readers, if it is, i don't find it a joke but mostly a waste of time. seriously, a story about sore throat, specially that "secret sickness to her parents." somehow made me think it is so deep, that it can cause death, but WTF, Soar throat, 3/10 for William's Story.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Overrated Anime

The series I'm about to blog is really popular, no doubt about it. but why is it overrated? there are a couple of reasons i would like to point out, generally fans/viewers are so into this kind of anime, that they wanted to see it live!

to start, the first anime that is overrated(for me) is the famous Anime, K - ON(English pronunciation) or "After School Tea Time" (English meaning) is a 4 member schoolgirl band anime that focuses on moeness(a K-ON term of cuteness) and the member's silliness.
I know alot of fans would hate me for this, but K-ON didn't really live to its original plot. on its first aired episode, i loved it, since i myself is a fan of japanese music, in addition its their own composition, but till the Anime came to an end, with an overall 26 episodes, there was at least 2-3 major perfomance of the so called group that made me turned them down, that's at least 2-3 episodes of performance and 23-24 episodes of moeness and silliness. now that's bothering.
fanboys even encored a LIVE concert of K-ON!, yes, i mean live. check the video below of how people are addicted to this Anime.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vocal Android.

Or popularly known as Vocaloid, is a japanese program that makes most composers and anime-music lovers so into this.

Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application, The software enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody, then an Android sings the lyrics and melody your tuning it, in a Vocaloid program, there are various Android with different voices that sings the tune you composed, but most vocaloid fans are onto Hatsune Miku, or the main protagonist of the program.

Alot of Composer, music lover, jpop fan, anime-soundtrack fans are using vocaloid, due to that they can sync their own music. exampling myself, i tried using vocaloid once, i made the android sing our national anthem on a 4/4 note. and it sounded amazing with a japanese female voice.