Monday, January 17, 2011

Overrated Anime

The series I'm about to blog is really popular, no doubt about it. but why is it overrated? there are a couple of reasons i would like to point out, generally fans/viewers are so into this kind of anime, that they wanted to see it live!

to start, the first anime that is overrated(for me) is the famous Anime, K - ON(English pronunciation) or "After School Tea Time" (English meaning) is a 4 member schoolgirl band anime that focuses on moeness(a K-ON term of cuteness) and the member's silliness.
I know alot of fans would hate me for this, but K-ON didn't really live to its original plot. on its first aired episode, i loved it, since i myself is a fan of japanese music, in addition its their own composition, but till the Anime came to an end, with an overall 26 episodes, there was at least 2-3 major perfomance of the so called group that made me turned them down, that's at least 2-3 episodes of performance and 23-24 episodes of moeness and silliness. now that's bothering.
fanboys even encored a LIVE concert of K-ON!, yes, i mean live. check the video below of how people are addicted to this Anime.

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