Monday, January 31, 2011

"The Story of an Hour" - Kate Chopin.

Just like the previous short story, in a way, it is funny at the same time boring.
Having the same reason with the previous entry, the story again confuses me. like why the hell did the main character of the story died and ending the short story with "a joy that kills?" Is that somewhat new phrase/meme? I think not. Anyway, let us all sum it up.

The story of an hour revolves around Mrs. Mallard (without getting into so detailed summary) had a disease to her heart, or simply a heart attack. while having that kind of disease, she found out that Mr. Mallard is death due to this train accident. Thus leaving Mrs. Mallard broken hearted, gloomy and at the same time, somewhat happy, Knowing that she's free from her loved--sometimes, often not husband, but yeah, the gloomy part still reigns over the happy, with that kind of situation she has, I'm kind of thinking that she was ready to die due to her husbands death. then a knock on the door that catches her attention that it was Mr. Mallard who opened the door and entered with his umbrella, having no idea that there was an accident and confuse of why is her wife crying. because of Mr. Mallards return, Mrs. Mallard was happy that he's not in trouble thus leaving her breathless and died.

-- See the ending? it was completely &!@%^#. who the hell will die of joy? does she uses drugs that's why? or her life was on a countdown, which is impossible because it wasn't mention in the story, but hey, i find this story another piece of crap due to that Mrs. Mallard (protagonist) died because she saw her husband? overjoy kills? is that even real? this story disappoints me a lot, worse than W.C. William's story.

-- As her sister Josephine addressing her Louise, probably because Josephine is the older sister of Mr. Mallard, thus leaving her to call her little sister by the first name.


  1. Are you suggesting then that the story is not realistic? Is it really that impossible to die of joy or of any strong emotion? I personally know someone who's father died of joy (bless his soul). Was it not set up in the story (that Mrs. Mallard had a weak heart)? I remember us establishing this character trait during our discussion in class.

  2. As far as i know, it is impossible to die because of joy/happiness. maybe faint, yes. but dying, no.
