Sunday, August 1, 2010


I have not seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
I have seen the middling minds of my generation destroyed by apathy, filled to the brim with sanity to spare and nowhere to put it, nothing to care about, and no one with whom to share thought.
This is the "i-generation", or perhaps that could have been the last generation, and that seems to be the main purpose for this generation. I. As in me, myself, and. The aforementioned apathy speaks unto the relationships with others. No longer do people visit others , or strike up conversations. Now they visit people's facebooks, and start up new chats.
What. The. Fuck.

Get the fuck out of your house and talk to a god damn stranger. I will tell you to get up, walk out, talk to a stranger, and maybe in some small portion of your prefrontal cortex or your temporal lobe you'll think "That may be a good idea." Then, just for the hell of it, you'll find your shoes ready to put them on and depart from your drywalled cocoon.
And then it hits you.
Like an aneurism in your brain you never saw it coming and you felt no pain. You just stopped giving a shit.
"I'd go out but this show's on."
"I'd go out but i work tomorrow."
"I'd go out but I'm talking to someone on aim now."
And there's the kicker in which apathy resides.
Now for the irony.
I have used all those excuses. And now I'm fed up. When i go to smoke a cigarette i don't shy away from the people surrounding me, I say whatever greeting pops into my head which usually consists of the summation of the words "hello" (or it's counterparts), "what's" and "up." That's how i meat a 30 year old Unitarian minister who regaled me with stories of how he shot his best friend in the ass, how Moses didn't write a single book of the bible, and then asked if I had a weed connection. If we were sitting in a diner and one of us had a gun, I'd swear I was in a Tarantino film.
But no.
Just life.
Go go live your god damn life for fuck's sake.
I'm sick and tired of watching the pontentially great minds of my generation detroyed by sewer rats as the minds have long since fallen into the proverbial gutter or washed down the proverbial drain.

“By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy - indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self
satisfaction” -William Osler

- Philosophical wordings from whatevericareabout

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