Sunday, July 25, 2010

Analog Watch in a Digital Era.

Typewriters have given way to keyboards. Acoustic has given way to Electric. Watches with hands have lost out to digital watches. Talking on a phone has given way to Texting on cellphone, and with it we lost the personal touch. It seems as though with every bit of ourselves we give up to a machine, that little bit of self is a part we'll never see again.

Now far be it for me to say that electronics are not good, great, miraculous things. I'm writing this on a computer for one. But it seems we've lost the class, the style, the ambiance of the past decades in favor of widgets, download able content and whatever else we can fit into a pocket sized portable machine.

Sure, one thing i always have is a phone in my pocket, and sure, i text more than talk because it's easier. But i still wear an analog watch. Does that make me a hypocrite? I'm not sure. I'd say no, but it's my own opinion. It's nary explainable. A mold between man and machine to produce art, and computer screens are too impersonal, and fragile. One wrong mistake and boom goes the proverbial dynamite of your work.

So I'm not saying we should all revert to smoke signals and sundials. But maybe keep a piece of ourselves grounded in the past. Their generation didn't seem to be too bad at getting ours to where it needed to be.
So write on a typewriter, or in a notebook. Wear an analog watch and stay classy. Shop at thrift stores. Do whatever you feel like, but don't lose hold on past generations.

Gave us the cotton gin from which your $40 American Apparel t-shirt with the ironic phrase came. Gave us the telephone, which is how you can play doodle jump on your iphone. Gave us rocket ships, so we can ignore space shuttle launches.
So you may not agree, or even understand how I mean what i say. maybe I'm just an old soul trying to get out. I prefer the titular phrase for myself. So do what makes ya feel good. and for me, that's an analog watch in a digital era.

- Philosophical paragraph from whatevericareabout. Class, yet trendy.

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