Sunday, July 25, 2010

Analog Watch in a Digital Era.

Typewriters have given way to keyboards. Acoustic has given way to Electric. Watches with hands have lost out to digital watches. Talking on a phone has given way to Texting on cellphone, and with it we lost the personal touch. It seems as though with every bit of ourselves we give up to a machine, that little bit of self is a part we'll never see again.

Now far be it for me to say that electronics are not good, great, miraculous things. I'm writing this on a computer for one. But it seems we've lost the class, the style, the ambiance of the past decades in favor of widgets, download able content and whatever else we can fit into a pocket sized portable machine.

Sure, one thing i always have is a phone in my pocket, and sure, i text more than talk because it's easier. But i still wear an analog watch. Does that make me a hypocrite? I'm not sure. I'd say no, but it's my own opinion. It's nary explainable. A mold between man and machine to produce art, and computer screens are too impersonal, and fragile. One wrong mistake and boom goes the proverbial dynamite of your work.

So I'm not saying we should all revert to smoke signals and sundials. But maybe keep a piece of ourselves grounded in the past. Their generation didn't seem to be too bad at getting ours to where it needed to be.
So write on a typewriter, or in a notebook. Wear an analog watch and stay classy. Shop at thrift stores. Do whatever you feel like, but don't lose hold on past generations.

Gave us the cotton gin from which your $40 American Apparel t-shirt with the ironic phrase came. Gave us the telephone, which is how you can play doodle jump on your iphone. Gave us rocket ships, so we can ignore space shuttle launches.
So you may not agree, or even understand how I mean what i say. maybe I'm just an old soul trying to get out. I prefer the titular phrase for myself. So do what makes ya feel good. and for me, that's an analog watch in a digital era.

- Philosophical paragraph from whatevericareabout. Class, yet trendy.

Project Natal

We are so near to virtual reality. Kinect for Xbox 360(originally known by the code name Project Natal) is a "controller-free gaming and entertainment experience" by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 video game platform. Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral for the Xbox 360 console, it enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a game controller through a natural user interface using gestures, spoken commands, or presented objects and images. The project is aimed at broadening the Xbox 360's audience beyond its typical gamer base.

Here are some Link videos for Project Natal or Kinect:

Natal is scheduled to launch on November 4, 2010 worldwide with a fix price of $299.99 (Try to conver it yourself) enabling all previous xBox games will also be read-able to Natal, Imagine playing Halo on a controller-free console, Whatmore if you're playing some world war such as COD(Call of Duty) You'd have to duck/crawl/jump, for the character to do the same. That would be awesome. it is an addicting game, at the same time an exercise for you, well yes exercise. Cause you have to move your body to play. See again the vids, there's alot of games to see, Tekken type, Race car. Plus, the console is now internet-able! you can chat/internet on your own natal console! Awesome to the max.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Religion has always been a major issue in all sorts of locations. It has sparked wars, divided families, crushed nations, destroyed peoples, set neighbors and brothers at each others throats. It has also consolidated splintered people against dissapearing, it has written rules by which a society that follows it will thrive, they have brought rules to those without conscience, saved brothers and sisters they don't even know, helped those who needed it most.

The question i pose are these; Would this crazy world we live in be better of or worse without religion in general? Does the good it does outweigh the bad, or the bad it does outweigh the good? Does it make sense at all to believe in a higher power?

There are so many different things to think about any religion. Some parts may be good, some bad. If there are things about religion that you think are good, then make a note of that, if there are bad things about another, say why. i don't want to see "OH SUCH AND SUCH SUCKS" and the like.

Also, please be sure to know what the heck you are talking about or at least be able to admit your wrong when you are discussing the specifics of a religion as it completely ruins your argument and messes up your credibility.

I have my own personal grudge match with christianity and its many splinter cults, for legitimate logical reasons I mgiht add. But for the arguments sake, I will stick with Christianity, Judaism, Muslim and Buddhist.

These guys have been one of the ruling religions in the world for a while. With that power, they have committed atrocities such as the crusades and witch hunts all across Europe and the Americas. Originally a splinter cult from Judaism, they worship the son of God (which is all wrong in my opinion. Venerate, yes, worship, no) and believe in the opposite afterlives of heaven and hell (and sometimes purgatory). Christianity is composed of thousands of splinter groups in and of itself that all have varying specifics that all would like to throw off the mantle of playing nice and kill each other good and dead. These days they've gotten better; focusing on strength of community, helping those who need it, and furthering one's spiritual understanding of oneself.

Though I know less about Judaism, Its consolidated and concise according to my knowledge. They worship God, who's name is never spoken in their tongue (Hebrew) and have been around since before the time of Christ. These guys have been summarily kicked out of just about every country in the world at one time or another and have still managed to stay alive and to some extent, thrive. Though these guys are less outspoken, they give a community a place to gather and consolidate.

These are the USA's current "Bad Guys". Though the actual religion preaches nothing but peace and nonviolence, like allays, a tiny percent of them in splinter cults believe otherwise and have managed to get everybody upset at them. These guys are some of the most spiritual people I have met. Having not read the Koran, and not knowing a lot of details about them, I cant go into much further detail.

These guys are the hermits who live in mountain temples in Asia. They, for the most part, are pacifistic, human rights loving people who spend their days in contemplation and meditation. Though I'm not exactly sure, they are also those who have trained themselves as martial artist to protect themselves. They are in the front lines when it comes to human rights, especially in China/Tibet.

In general, I would say that Religion has kept us back from a lot of things, but kept us together across the world when we were desperately searching for something that was missing in our lives. In general it is/was a good thing, but if history could be rewritten, it needs some definite changes. And while I dont belive in the "God" that everyone else seems to, I admit that the presence of a higher being does exist in our world. After all, through random chance, the chance of us being as we are today is so astronomically improbably that it would have to be calculated as 0%.